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This website is a HS code database website, affording 175 regions HS code, together with “level” and duty. “level” (the "-" before commodity description) is similar to tree branch, which is an important basis for HS Code. And the HS comparisons must also be performed at the same level.

        海关编码即HS编码,为编码协调制度(Harmonized System,缩写为HS)。世界上200多个国家使用HS,全球贸易总量98%以上的货物都是以HS分类。HS最新版本为2022版,世界各国在前6位协调一致,即一般情况下,同一商品在世界各国HS的前6位应该相同。当然,由于各国采用HS不同版本以及各国海关的具体规定,也可能存在差异,HS编码每5年修订一次,下一次修订为2027年。

HS code is the abbreviation of the “Harmonized Coding System”. More than 200 countries around the world are using HS, and more than 98% of the global trading products are classified under HS. The latest version of HS is the 2022 and Worldwide HS is harmonized at first 6-digits level, in another word, the same product should be in same first 6-digtis world widely. Of course, due to the different versions of HS used by regions and the specific region customs regulations, there may also be some difference. The HS is revised every 5 years, and the next revision is in 2027.


HTS is a Harmonized Tariff Schedule. It is regional Tariff Codes based of the HS. Every region might have different length, such as: 10 digits in China, 10 digits in the United States, 10 digits in the European Union, and 8 digits in Singapore etc. Because it is based on the HS, it is also harmonized in first 6-digits level (almost same). Of course, in most cases, we do not distinguish HS and HTS, and take them as the same.


Finally, welcome to this website, we aim to afford a timely, accurate worldwide HS database. Please share it with your team or friends. For the data items are millions, we try to ensure the data timely and accurate as possible as we could. If you find any wrong data, please contact web@wwwhts.com.

♦ 提供全球175地区海关编码HS查询及相互转换

♦ Provide worldwide 175 regions HS Code inquiry&convert among them

♦ 提供海关编码HS生成器: 从类,章,4位,6位逐步生成HS

♦ HS generator: generate HS step by step, from section, chapter, heading, subheading

♦ 提供CAS/CUS 参考HS查询

♦ CAS/CUS to HS lookup

♦ 提供SDE/CIQ 查询

♦ China SDE/CIQ lookup

♦ 提供中美加征关税和排除清单查询

♦ US/CN additional duty and exclusion list

地区列表和样本数据库 Regions List and Data Sample:

Afghanistan 阿富汗; Albania 阿尔巴尼亚; Algeria 阿尔及利亚; Angola 安哥拉; Antigua and Barbuda 安提瓜和巴布达; Argentina 阿根廷; Armenia 亚美尼亚; Australia 澳大利亚; Austria 奥地利; Azerbaijan 阿塞拜疆; Bahamas 巴哈马; Bahrain 巴林; Bangladesh 孟加拉国; Barbados 巴巴多斯; Belarus 白俄罗斯; Belgium 比利时; Belize 伯利兹; Benin 贝宁; Bolivia 玻利维亚; Botswana 博茨瓦纳; Brazil 巴西; Brunei 文莱; Bulgaria 保加利亚; Burkina Faso 布基纳法索; Burundi 布隆迪; Cambodia 柬埔寨; Cameroon 喀麦隆; Canada 加拿大; Cape Verde 佛得角; Central African Republic 中非; Chad 乍得; Chile 智利; China 中国 2024! ; Colombia 哥伦比亚; Comoros 科摩罗; Congo, Democratic Republic of 刚果(金); Congo, the Republic of 刚果(布); Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加; Côte d'Ivoire 科特迪瓦; Croatia 克罗地亚; Cuba 古巴; Cyprus 塞浦路斯; Czech 捷克; Denmark 丹麦; Dominica 多米尼克; Dominican Rep 多米尼加; Ecuador 厄瓜多尔; Egypt 埃及; El Salvador 萨尔瓦多; Estonia 爱沙尼亚; Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚; EU 欧盟 2024! ; Fiji 斐济; Finland 芬兰; France 法国; Gabon 加蓬; Gambia 冈比亚; Georgia 格鲁吉亚; Germany 德国; Ghana 加纳; Great Britain 英国; Greece 希腊; Grenada 格林纳达; Guatemala 危地马拉; Guinea 几内亚; Guinea-Bissau 几内亚比绍; Guyana 圭亚那; Haiti 海地; Honduras 洪都拉斯; Hong Kong 中国香港 2024! ; Hungary 匈牙利; Iceland 冰岛; India 印度; Indonesia 印度尼西亚; Iran 伊朗; Iraq 伊拉克; Ireland 爱尔兰; Israel 以色列; Italy 意大利; Jamaica 牙买加; Japan 日本 2024; Jordan 约旦; Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦; Kenya 肯尼亚; Korea, Republic of 韩国 2024!; Kuwait 科威特; Kyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯斯坦; Laos 老挝; Latvia 拉脱维亚; Lesotho 莱索托; Liberia 利比里亚; Libya 利比亚; Lithuania 立陶宛; Luxembourg 卢森堡; Macau 中国澳门; Madagascar 马达加斯加; Malawi 马拉维; Malaysia 马来西亚; Maldives 马尔代夫; Mali 马里; Malta 马耳他; Mauritania 毛里塔尼亚; Mauritius 毛里求斯; Mexico 墨西哥; Moldova, Republic of 摩尔多瓦; Mongolia 蒙古; Montenegro 黑山; Moroco 摩洛哥; Mozambique 莫桑比克; Myanmar 缅甸; Namibia 纳米比亚; Nepal 尼泊尔; Netherlands 荷兰; New Zealand 新西兰; Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜; Niger 尼日尔; Nigeria 尼日利亚; North Macedonia, the Republic of 北马其顿; Norway 挪威; Oman 阿曼; Pakistan 巴基斯坦; Palestine, the State of 巴勒斯坦; Panama 巴拿马; Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚; Paraguay 巴拉圭; Peru 秘鲁; Philippines 菲律宾; Poland 波兰; Portugal 葡萄牙; Qatar 卡塔尔; Romania 罗马尼亚; Russia 俄罗斯; Rwanda 卢旺达; Saint Kitts and Nevis 圣基茨和尼维斯; Saint Lucia 圣卢西亚; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯; Samoa 萨摩亚; Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯; Senegal 塞内加尔; Serbia 塞尔维亚; Seychelles 塞舌尔; Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂; Singapore 新加坡 2024!; Slovakia 斯洛伐克; Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚; South Africa 南非; South Sudan 南苏丹; Spain 西班牙; Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡; Sudan 苏丹; Suriname 苏里南; Swaziland 斯威士兰; Sweden 瑞典; Switzerland 瑞士; Taiwan 中国台湾; Tajikistan 塔吉克斯坦; Tanzania, United Republic of 坦桑尼亚; Thailand 泰国; Togo 多哥; Tonga 汤加; Trinidad and Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥; Tunisia 突尼斯; Turkey 土耳其; Uganda 乌干达; Ukraine 乌克兰; United Arab Em 阿联酋; Uruguay 乌拉圭; USA 美国 2024!; Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦; Vanuatu 瓦努阿图; Venezuela 委内瑞拉; Vietnam 越南; Yemen 也门; Zambia 赞比亚; Zimbabwe 津巴布韦.
HTS lookup
HTS batch lookup
HTS convertor
HTS generator
CAS to HTS查询
CAS to HTS lookup
CUS to HTS查询
CUS to HTS lookup
China CIQ Lookup
2024!China SDE&SUPV Lookup
US add duty to CN
&sum exclusion list
CN add duty to US
&sum exclusion list
FTA是自由贸易协定(Free Trade Agreement)的简称,是指两个或两个以上的地区为实现相互之间的贸易自由化所作的贸易安排,一般可以享受更为优惠的商品进口关税。FTA is the abbreviation for Free Trade Agreement, which refers to trade arrangements made by two or more regions to achieve mutual trade liberalization, generally allowing them to enjoy more favorable import tariffs on goods.2024!
Import Country FTA lookup

Related Links: ♦ 八方资源网 ♦ | ♦ China Ruling 中国归类决议 ♦ | ♦ US Ruling 美国归类决议 ♦ | ♦ BTI Ruling 欧盟归类决议
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